Getting your business out there

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Richard Branson said “To be successful you have to be out there, you have to hit the ground running.”

One of the hardest things for business owners is knowing how to ‘get out there’. It is something we are often told to do, but what exactly does that mean?

Essentially it is about getting in front of potential customers and referrers, even if you don’t want to.  There are tons of ways you can do this – some will have quicker results than others and some may have more profitable results than others.  But if you don’t start you can’t keep going.

  • Join a networking group – these can be great for meeting other business owners. They may or may not be potential clients, but if you find a group you are comfortable in they will be a source of inspiration and support. Check out our Events Page or Get Business Wise newsletter for events happening in and around St Albans each month.
  • Get active on social – think about the best network for your business and then make time to be active on it regularly. Get involved in conversations and ideas so people get to know you rather than simply see you as a sales person. Give advice, recommendations and be generally helpful. It will pay off over time.
  • Go co-working – if you are a solopreneur or work in a small office a Jelly or other co-working can be a great way to change your perspective and invite new ideas whilst not stopping work.  Jellies are one option locally
  • Be found online – have a website and a Google My Business page so that people looking for your services can find you easily
  • Reach out to the press – got a story or running a competition, let the press know so they can feature it on their sites. You may not always get covered but keep reaching out and you never know. Check out publications like BizCom to get in front of consumers
  • Look into relevant channels for your product – if you sell to families, get involved with school fairs. Looking to reach business owners – present or exhibit at business conferences and events.

These are just a few ways to get you started, but essentially you need to think where are my audience and how can I start a conversation with them? Get yourself out there, start talking to people and you’ll be surprised how supportive and helpful they can be!

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