How To Get More Customers With The Businesses Community

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Did you know that The Businesses Community is a fantastic way to get more customers for your business?


Here’s our Top Ten Tips on how to make sure people know who you are, what you do and how your business can help:


1. Consistency is key! We all know that we need to build rapport, relationships and trust with potential customers. It’s very rare that people will buy from you the very first time they “meet” you or see what you offer. Being consistent with featuring your business on the TBC website will ensure people get to know more about you and what you do over time – regular features and posts will make a massive difference, rather than just posting once and never again. We recommend featuring your business on the TBC website at least once a month.


2. Don’t try to tell us everything about your business in one go. We all love what we do and we want everyone to know about all the amazing things we offer. But sometimes this can be overload. By focusing on one part of your business at a time and highlighting the transformation that it brings to your customers will be easier for people to comprehend. Even if it’s not the right product or service for them, they will understand more about what you do and be able to put you in touch with others looking for services such as yours.


3. Make it clear as to what your product or service does for your customers. How does it improve their lives? What is life like before they use your product or service and what is it like afterwards? By telling a story, perhaps even using a case study, this gives the potential customer the opportunity to see how it will improve things for them.


4. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It could be something as simple as adding a product or feature to the TBC Shop. So whether that’s a physical item with information about it’s benefits, how much it costs and a link to where people can purchase it – that’s super simple. Or whether it’s adding a service, such as a website hosting package, or VA packages – sometimes seeing packages in their simplicity makes it very easy for people to understand what you offer and super simple for them to buy from you.


5. Showing you know what you are talking about! Sharing your expertise, demonstrating you know your business and field well, builds trust with the reader. Simple tips such as “5 things to look for when choosing an estate agent”, or “5 things you can do today to improve your website”, or “5 things to keep your pet super healthy” – all make great content as well as being useful to the reader.


6. Make sure your business is featured! If you are stuck for ideas, or have no idea where to start – then look out for our monthly ideas to help you. Such as “5 Questions We Asked A St Albans Business” – 5 simple questions you can answer and add to the news section of the website, with links back to your site (which google loves). Easy Peasey!


7. Make time in your diary! We know that life is pretty busy! And we know that in business we are expected to be everywhere, instagram, twitter, linkedin, facebook, blogging on our website, google my business etc. and that’s without running our actual businesses! But, what makes TBC amazing, is that all you have to do is tell the TBC website what it is you want everyone to know, and we do the rest! You simply feature your news, top tips, business story, event, products or services on the TBC website and we then promote your business to thousands across the area! It’s that simple! Plus, your feature may be included in our email – Get Business Wise – that goes to over a thousand inboxes! Result!


8. Call to Action! Make sure your feature has a call to action. What do you want people to do once they’ve read your feature? Buy something? Find out more? Get in touch with you? Know someone who may be right for your services? Let people know what the next steps could be.


9. Get into the habit! Once you see the benefits of featuring your business on the TBC website, make it a habit! Put a note in your diary at least once a month to feature your business on the TBC website. It’s quick and easy to do and really gives your business that wider reach. Plus, how great is it for someone else to be telling people about your business??? And to a wide, engaged, active and ready made audience!


10. Not got the time? Not sure where to start? Just want it all done for you? That’s no problem. There are many VA’s within the TBC Community that can help you with that – or take a look at our Pick & Mix services to see what suits your business and your budgets at this time.


Whatever you decide to do – remember, TBC is here to help and support you and your business! It’s a #TeamThang!


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