TBC August Challenge – Danielle Wallington – MilknBizz

Posted on by Danielle Wallington of milknbizz

TBC member, Danielle Wallington of MilkNBizz takes up the TBC August Members Challenge! Woo Hoo!


What’s your name and what does your business offer?

Hi, I’m Danielle & my business is milknbizz, I provide an opportunity for mums who are running their own business to be part of a supportive community of other like minded women. We meet weekly for co-working sessions, monthly at workshops, and not forgetting the social side as we also organise informal events & meet ups during the year. I’ve also recently launched a virtual office where you can log on and co-work from the comfort of your own home for the people who find it hard to get out the house & network but still want to connect online, we meet every Tuesday from 10am – 3pm.

How does your business benefit your customers?

milknbizz benefits it’s customers by providing a ‘one stop shop’ for everything you need when starting up or running your own business. We help to beat those feelings of isolation & loneliness many of us feel when working alone by hosting weekly co-working sessions so you can talk in confidence about any challenges you are going through with people in the same boat as you. We brainstorm ideas, or simply chat about the latest Netflix episode, sometimes it’s those informal ‘water cooler’ or coffee break chats’ we miss when we work for ourselves.

What kind of customers are you looking for?

I’m looking for mums who are passionate about doing something they love, maybe they have an idea for a business but don’t know where to start, or they are already set up but are overwhelmed with everything they have to keep up with when it comes to the day to day running. More importantly I’m looking for people who want to help support, encourage and empower, we are all in this together after all.

What do you love most about what you do?

I love meeting people, finding out what makes them tick and why they do what they do. I’ve always worked in big offices and teams so when I set up on my own I wanted to surround myself with my own ‘work tribe’. One of the most satisfying things are when I see members collaborate on joint projects or simply step in and offer advice & support when someone asks for help, it makes all the hard work worth it.

How can people contact you to find out more?

You can head over to my website www.milknbizz.net

Or as I am addicted to social media, you can usually find me online on Facebook www.facebook.com/milknbizz or over on Instagram www.instagram.com/milknbizz/

Patrons of TBC St Albans