Content Ideas For YOUR Business

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Content Idea: Answer Questions


We know that sometimes people struggle with content so we wanted to help you create content that is relevant for your audience and the wider community.

This month’s content idea is QUESTIONS! The idea is that you answer questions that potential customers may have regarding your sector or service.

Sometimes the best content topics are ones that help people unfamiliar with you find out more, so think about typical questions people ask at networking or in the early days of the sales process.

For example, a yoga teacher may want to talk about the benefits of yoga but be more specific ‘How Yoga benefits back pain’ or ‘3 yoga exercises to ease stress’. This could be done as a blog post, an infographic or a video (or indeed all 3). Not only will this help educate a specific market segment, there is also a good chance it will get picked up by search engines too, as it answers questions people may type in.

Other examples include  ‘How to hold a camera’, ‘How can Facebook benefit my biz?’, ‘What makes a great kids day out?’ or ‘What do logo colours say about your brand?’

So, come up with a list of common questions. Not sure? Ask customers or associates what they would like to know, then start working through them. Once you’ve written your post, created your image, podcast or video – upload it to the TBC website and let us know so we can get the word out for you. A great place is in the Top Tips section of the website, but if people want to know about particular services you offer then News may also be relevant for you.


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